Toadex Table of Contents
Welcome to the Toadex! Here you will find a starting point for exploration through our philosophy.
This subheading has everything you need to learn things at a glance about NewPangea and Frogland.
Everything you need to know to get started.
All official links including website, discord, socials, merch, secondary sales, and more.
Frequently asked questions - a good place to start.
The founders, their bios and socials, and full time staff members or partners.
Our roadmap of past notorious deeds and our future notorious plans.
IRL events or hoppenings that have ties to specific days - not necessarily roadmap.
Video or audio content with the Frog Team or from the community about Frogland.
This encompasses and explains our broadest philosophies of both NewPangea and Frogland, as well as how we are implementing them using new technology and a new way of creating.
What we are here to do and how we will do it.
The blueprints of the metaverse.
The Pillars of the Metaverse Community and Socially Driven; Tokenomics; and Adventure in a Quirky World.
Geography and Layout Maps, locations, districts, and biomes of Frogland.
How the Notorious Frogs are utilizing the three pillars of the metaverse.
Aesthetics "Frog Noire." It's a thing.
Economy Frogdollars and F*ck Bucks, bribery and resource pledges, resources and tokens.
Entertainment The opportunity to create and be involved in any capacity and see that reflected.
There is something for everyone in NewPangea - whether you are a creator or builder, a thinker or a player, anyone and everyone is welcome to play, explore, and contribute.
So you bought a frog - now what? These short, targeted guides will get you pointed in the right direction for our discord, the Toadex, our Land/LSDs, and more.
The Frog Teams security recommendations, assurances, tips, tricks, and latest info on how to stay safe in the wild west.
Crypto Wallet Safety Crypto and blockchain safety and security.
Different Kinds of Attacks Ways in which scammers try to gain access to your assets.
Crypto Safety FAQ FAQ answered by the one and only Froggy Digital.
What the hell is a discord and why is it so confusing?! Taking the fear factor out so we can put the fun back in.
Discord Tips & Security Recommendations and best practices for discord safety.
Channel Directory Our discord is complex and elaborate - but everything for a reason.
Opt-In Roles & Channels This directory will help you learn what role reveals what channel, and what goes where.
More Role Info Some of the roles are based on status or contribution, whereas others are for gameplay.
The Frog Role Playing Game is a text based story development tool within our discord.
FRPG FAQ All of the frequently asked questions and 'how to's for this DnD style game.
What can we offer Artists? What can you contribute?
What can we offer designers, developers, or engineers? What can you contribute?
What can we offer gamers? What can you contribute?
What can we offer musicians? What can you contribute?
What about socialites? What does the metaverse do for you?
With the help of the Frog Team, several community members or Syndicates have already begun the process of bringing their dreams into reality, launching their projects and platforms with unique integrations into the NewPangea metaverse.
How we implement community feedback, suggestions, and ideas and turn co-creation into more than just a buzz word and into reality.
Founded, produced, and hosted by Hazer/Spot, this podcast digs into founders in web3.
Contribute to a mix tape of original content from musicians within our community.
Collaborate with our music studio and mint your own stems on our platform for sale.
Engage to grow future ancient forests and repay some of our collective carbon debt.
Hosted by Horny the Toad, these are live masterclasses hosted by Frog Team members for community members in the team member's area of expertise.
An AI platform with custom trained Notorious Frog models and available to holders only. Use this tool to create your own visual content with the help of an AI to add to your lore!
The mechanisms and coding behind the curtain: blockchain, NFTs, tokenomics, and more.
The currently released or soon-to-be released NFTs in our world.
The Notorious Frogs The OGs, the main characters, the ones that started it all.
Land Devices The NFT that allows for the claiming and selling/trading ownership of a land plot.
LilyPADs The land itself - your Personal Access Domain.
Permits The NFT that allows the Frogs to build token harvesting improvements on their land.
Links to all of our contracts once published.
Where all of our open sourced code will be located.
The platforms where different parts of the metaverse are as we move to full 3D world.
This is where all of the pieces and parts currently bridging the gap between discord beta testing and real NewPangea playability reside.
How you can start to develop your own frog's lore and IP.
Character Development Fillable Form Fill out this questionnaire to get started with your character.
Hyype Mint your lore directly to your NFT and develop your character's profile.
Notorious Frog Bios Some of the finished bios for individual frogs involved in the community.
All of the ways to interface with our discord bots and start playing!
The Basics Earn money, lose money, earn more money, and keep it safe.
Earning Money - But At What Cost? Ready for the next, more notorious steps for making frog dollars?
The Store, Items, & Inventory All the items to purchase, things to have or use, and ways to spend your froggy bucks.
Quest Specific Commands Commands specific to certain quests, whether completed or still live!
Lore Specific Commands Commands relative to the community, their lore, or entertainment value.
Utility Commands All of the boring but smart commands to make discord work harder, not you.
Different aspects of the land, property mechanics, and gameplay related to land.
Biomes of Frogland The seven different biomes in Frogland and how they can be used in gameplay.
Seasons & Events of Change Seasons, cycles of the moon, and how other cataclysmic events may impact gameplay.
Land Mechanics All released details on how the land mechanics will work in the metaverse.
Permitting and Building Improvements How Permits will come into play for increased token harvesting of land resources.
The verifiably corrupt unelected bureaucracy and how it moves a Deed to a new lilyPAD.
What Is The Planning Commission? Description of the Planning Commission.
What Does The Planning Commission Do In Game? The gameplay mechanics of the Planning Commission.
What Does It Do For The Economy? The ramifications and benefits of the Planning Commission on the economy.
Bribing The Planning Commission How individual bribes increase the speed of approval with the Planning Commission.
Syndicate Bribes For The Planning Commission How bribes via a Syndicate will work with the Planning Commission.
All croakenomic and tokenomic details for the Frogland internal economy.
Some of the different community organized groups and how they work in game.
Gangs Self organized social groups within the discord and the community.
Syndicates Gangs that took the next step to formalize their intentions and impact on the metaverse.
More details on the way that the aethereal realm will impact the metaverse.
Different formalized items within the game world.
Wearables and clothes in the gameworld, like what the frogs are wearing.
Mini-games and how (and if) they impact the larger gameplay.
Official Frogland news sources and documentation.
The official news source (in sensationalist tabloid style) of Frogland, fully written and produced by community members about IRL and in-game hoppenings in PNG form.
A now defunct broadsheet news source in Frogland, all articles archived here in PNGs.
The community run account for the Frogland News Network's breaking news.
All audio from the Frog Team or from the community.
Frog Team Recordings Town Halls, Special Reports, and Twitter Spaces recorded and published.
FRPG Serial Drama Audio recordings from each FRPG session, dramatized and reproduced.
Scratch Track Saturdays Sapo Studios community jam sesh where they interview artists and collaborate live.
The official catalog of all jargon, slang, and terminology appropriate for 'Frog Noire'.
Froxford Froglish Dictionary This community generated collection of froglish terminology.
Hard Boiled Slang Common phrases and jargon for noire style film and writing.
All of the meetings broadcasted between the Frog Team and community.
All things frog! From concept art to community creations, files and games, all things having to do with the Notorious Frogs, their home district, and where they go from here are located in this section.
The Notorious Frogs' origin story, story arcs, and more!
The Notorious Frogs' Origin Story The one and only.
The Land Synthesis Device and Our Forgotten Past Excerpts from several ancient books telling the many truths and half-truths of Frogland.
Story arcs that will have metaverse-wide impact.
Murder at the Dragonfly Our first FRPG and murder mystery - who could have killed a Notorious Frog, and how?
Slimy Salamanders Stole the Map of Frogland The Slimy Salamanders had no idea who they were messing with...
Released concept art from the Frog Team and DRI, our game dev studio.
From the Frog Team Early environments, locations, ideas, and more.
From DRI Characters, wider world art, lilyPAD concepts, and more.
The public source of Frogland Bureau of Instigations files, leaks, and sources we swore we would never disclose.
Wanted Posters Done something especially notorious? Chances are your wanted poster lives here.
Rap Sheets Past notorious deeds and future notorious plans are chronicled in these Rap Sheets - also the way our froghodlrs earned their way onto our original pre-sale list.
Frogland lore that goes back so far, no one knows exactly how it came to be.
All organizations in game, from community generated to in game NPC devices.
The Fuzz Between the useless toads at the FLPD and the Frogland Bureau of Instigations, the fuzz might be named as such for their lack of movement when attempting to catch criminals.
Gangs Self-organized groups within the community, including their own lore and flavor.
Syndicates The next step up from gangs - traditionally known as guilds in other MMORPGs.
Organized Crime The Planning Commissions and other verifiably corrupt gameplay mechanics.
Different areas or zones within Frogland driven by their use and aesthetic.
Main Street The main drag through town, hosting a variety of high end businesses and social areas.
Green Light District The shady side of town where all notorious and underhanded dealings occur.
Borderlands The 'in-between' areas between Frogland and other districts.
Frog Worts The magical neighborhood where all arcane endeavors have their storefronts.
There are many characters in Frogland - some even legends in and of themselves.
Suave Mudderfroggers Maverick cops with a troubled past and nothing left to lose are essential in frog noire.
Femme Fatales Just when you think you've found the one...she pulls a gun.
The quests, clues, and storyline for the larger story arcs present in Frogland.
Murder at the Dragonfly The murder of Jimmy 'The Knee' Grenouille and how he started the first FRPG, kicking off multiple individual and group storylines and projects as he did.
Frogland Map Quest The Slimy Salamanders of the north stole the Frogland map and ripped it to shreds! Will the community be able to locate all the pieces and put them back together again?
Where NewPangea's pillars will be fleshed out by and for the Gutter Gang community to make Gutterville a home like no other for the cats, rats, dogs, and pigeons.
Gutter Cat Gang lore and how it weaves in with the Notorious Frog lore in Frogland.
Last updated
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