Legends, legendary items, and legendary frogs, all in one place...
The Missing Tiara
The sharp eyed observer may notice that some of our Notorious Frogs may not quite represent their metadata truly to the naked eye. One such instance is where a subsection of Notorious Frogs were supposed to have a tiara per their metadata, but upon reveal were missing their visual representation of the tiara.
Legend has it...the tiaras have been stolen by other inhabitants of Frogland and NewPangea - some for nefarious reasons, some because their drug addled brains believed the tiaras worthy of worship, and some may even have significance to the aethereal realm or 'other' beings...
Missing Mini-Crowns
Some say that the missing mini-crowns are actually just missing tiaras...they would be wrong. The missing mini-crowns are even more rare than the missing tiaras, with very little known about why they went missing, or where they have gone...
If one goes to investigate into the boosts of the Notorious Frogs especially with their relevance to the Essence token that the Frogs emit (read this article if you are unfamiliar), you may notice that some frogs have an 'Unkown' boost. Everything has a reason in Frogland, and Unkown makes appearances time and time again: as the name of the 'Unkown Magicks' bot in charge of all things mystical in the discord, in writings of lore from the community and the team, and in the future.
Legend has it...the mystery of the Unkown and all it represents will not only be of importance to the Frogs themselves, but also in the history of NewPangea and how the Others came to discover it, long before the Frogs found that curved device hidden in the woods...
The Cartographers are a group of frogs who's heroic efforts not only located the destroyed and stolen pieces of the Frogland map, but also managed to repair the map. Their efforts earned themselves the Cartographers role, with benefits only known to themselves. The cartographers consist of: Froggy Fresh, Jack the Ribbit, Radpole, Frogster, Missy Hopalott, Frog Holliday, El Sapo, and Croakius Ptolemy.
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