🏇Animal Racing and Care

If you take good care for one of these animals, you can try and out run the FLPD when they come and bust up the illegal racing in downtown Frogland.

$animal buy

Purchase an animal for racing and give it a memorable name. Best utilized in the #Stables for animal care, racing done in #Town-Square (illegally, of course).

Command Variations

  • $animal buy snail > [nickname] - Buy a racing snail and give it a nickname

  • $animal buy horse > [nickname] - Buy a racing horse and give it a nickname

  • $animal buy greyhound > [nickname] - Buy a racing greyhound and give it a nickname

  • $animal buy pigeon > [nickname] - Buy a racing pigeon and give it a nickname

⚠ī¸ Example: $animal buy horse


Animals need care and food to race well. More varied feed creates a happier, healthier, and faster racing animal!

Types of Provisions

  • Snail - Cucumber, lettuce tomato

  • Pigeon - Seeds, berries, cheese

  • Greyhound - Mice, salmon, rabbit

  • Horse - Grass, hay, apple

Command Variations

$provisions buy [food] - Make sure to specify what food!

⚠ī¸ Example: $provisions buy apple


Best utilized in #TheGardens, #Town-Square, or the #Stables.

Command Variations

$animal-race [bet amount] [kind of animal] - Make sure you're specific about which kind of animal you want to race!

$animal-race [bet amount] [nickname] - Call your animal up by their nickname.

⚠ī¸ Example: $animal-race 50 horse

Last updated