Channel Directory
Below find an ever-updating list of Discord categories, their channels, and their purpose.
#step1-verify - Complete the CAPTCHA to prove you're not a bot.
#step2-rules - Read and accept the rules of the Frogland community and discord.
#step3-security - Read and accept our security recommendations and liability waiver.
#collabland-join - Connect your wallet to verify your Froghodlr status.
Granting entry into the discord with proof you're not a bot or a troll, and that you either are a frog, have a frog, or want frogs.
#announcements - All official Frogland and Team announcements
#getting-started - A new Froghodlrs Guide, created by Donkey Frog
#team-and-faq - Founder and team bios, contact info, and FAQ
#official-links - All official and verified links
#events-calendar - The IRL and digital calendar of events in Frogland
#frogland-media - Video content of the Frog Team or Frogland
#twitter-raid - Twitter bot lives here, plus community posts for raids
All official news, links, and information about the Notorious Frogs and the Frog Team.
#pillars-of-newpangea - the location of all opt in roles to open more channels.
#frogland-general - the general chat for all curious about Frogland.
#gutterville - the general chat for the Gutter Cat Gang and discussion of Gutterville.
#island-of-osseous - the general chat for the Wicked Craniums and discussion of the Island of Osseous.
General community chat about each of the four original districts, opt in roles, and current events channels.
Some subheadings/channels will not be visible to you if you do not have a certain role - #collabland-join is the first thing to do if you're a Froghodlr.
Anyone wishing to engage more, Froghodlr or not, should visit #pillars-of-newpangea to opt into roles and channels.
#sneak-peek - NewPangea and Frogland metaverse sneak peeks
#voting-and-polls - Internal community votes
#AL-collab-opps - Allow list or collab opportunities for hodlrs.
#aaaaaaaaaa - Verified Froghodlr chat. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
#ringleader - Verified Ringleader chat.
#boss - Verified Boss chat.
#don - Verified Don chat.
#guardians- Verified Guardian chat.
#battlefly-frogs - Verified Battlefly chat.
#lsd-hodlrs - Land Synthesis Device holders chat.
Hodlr private channels, released metaverse content and froghodlrs with Battleflies.
#directory - Channel descriptions for the 'in the metaverse' channels/locations.
#FRPG-announcements - Announcements pertaining to the FRPG.
#FRPG-gameplay - Gameplay records and location for the FRPG.
#FRPG-chat - Chat pertaining to the FRPG.
#misc-ideas - Any ideas that don't seem to have a home in other channels.
#newpangea-architects - Calling all devs, coders, and 3D modelers! This is your channel.
#frogland-map - All discussion, ideation, and creation pertaining to the Frogland map.
#gameplay - All discussion, ideation, and creation pertaining to the metaverse gameplay mechanics.
#mini-games - All discussion, ideation, and creation pertaining to metaverse mini-games.
#frog-beliefs - All discussion, ideation, and creation pertaining to the many varied beliefs of the Notorious Frogs.
Everything pertaining to the Adventure in a Quirky World pillar of the metaverse.
#developers - Any developer, software engineer, or coder discussions or ideas.
#crypto-chat - All discussions pertaining to cryptocurrencies.
#croakenomics - Ideas and discussions about the economy in Frogland.
#utility - Discussions, ideas, and suggestions for potential utility.
#in-game-items - Ideation and discussion about in game items.
#lilypads - Ideas and chat about lilyPADs use, design, and layout go here.
#non-pad-land - Ideas and chat about non-PAD land go here.
#conservation - A channel dedicated to the environment and what we can do better.
#planning-commission - Ideas and suggestions on the Planning Commission game mechanic.
Everything pertaining to the Tokenomics pillar of the metaverse.
#frog-follow-frog - Connecting with other frogs on Twitter.
#shill-&-toad-ya-so - The place to shill other projects.
#the-arts-district - Individual artists or galleries display their work here.
#deribbitives - Notorious Frog deribbitives (both minted and unminted) are shown off here.
#want-to-help - Want to contribute? This is the place!
Everything pertaining to the Community Generated and Driven pillar of the metaverse.
Make sure to check out the pinned posts (pushpin icon top R side on desktop, swipe to R sidebar on mobile) as they will have key information for each channel.
#alpha-investigations - Role gaited (currently) channel for investigations into potential collabs.
#frogland-mixtape - Channel for all discussions about the Frogland mixtape.
#sapo-studios-chat - Text chat channel for all discussions about Sapo Studios.
#seed-trees - Channel for all discussions about the Seed Trees NFT project.
Projects that stem from Froghodlrs and using the launchpad of the Frogland environment and community.
#message-board - All fillable forms, both in game or out.
#lore - Official lore, concept art, and more!
#the-daily-splat - The most notorious tabloid in town, this community written news source is where you'll find all the latest hoppenings.
#khop-radio - KHOP radio station: location of all recorded Frogland content, IRL, RPG, and music!
#fbi-flyls - The public source of Frogland Bureau of Instigations official files, leaks, and sources we swore we would never disclose.
#hyype-minted-lore - Linked to they Hyype platform, here you can keep up on all the community generated lore for each of their Notorious Frogs!!
Concept art repository and feedback, alongside community collaboration of cannon and externally facing media for the hoppenings in the metaverse. Also all fillable forms for NewPangea or other Notorious deeds and lore written onto the Notorious Frogs from the Hyype platform.
#the-dragonfly - The DragonFly Social Club, the hottest, most fly-brow place in town.
#town-square - A communal area in the center of Frogland where rumors fly and whispers grow.
#the-gardens - Botanical gardens located near the Town Square, said to house the local $cf ring.
#kings-avenue - A street in Frogland near Too Many Zooz Bar.
#zooz-bar - A bar on Main Street ran by and featuring the musical talent, Too Many Zooz.
#Zooz-Main-Stage - Voice channel where the tunes of Too Many Zooz can be heard day or night.
The main drag in Frogland with some typical central venues and a couple secret speakeasys. Best for chatting with fellow frogs, or enjoying a Hoptini or two!
#murky-waters - The local dive bar…good food, good drinks, bad decor, disribbitutable types.
#casino - What is more notorious than gambling away your life savings in discord frogdollars?
#under-construction - A construction site on the Main Street in Frogland.
#rabbit-hole - The infamous drug den in the heart of the Green Light district.
#speakeasy Voice Chat - A local watering hole voice channel for community members to chat.
The shadier side of town, this is where notorious activities happen with reckless abandon. Enjoy a game of black jack or a Stormy Waters at some of the seedier joints in Frogland.
#stash-house - Where all the gangs of Frogland meet in their own private rooms.
#openpond - The location of all black market dealings within Frogland.
#stables - A place to feed and care for the animals legally or illegally racing around Frogland.
The slums on the outskirts of Frogland before you get to Gutterville where gangs meet up, the black (secondary) market runs rampant, and animal racing takes place.
#the-hexagon - The main pub in Frog Worts for witches, warlocks, and all frogs interested in the arcane to gather and whisper about the mysterious workings of the world, and how it is so.
#spirits-and-elixirs - 'Spirits and Elixirs' is the apothecary and dispensary for all of your potion-making, spellcasting, herb having needs.
#smoke-and-mirrors - Smoke & Mirrors' Emporium of Arcane Wonders and Fantastical Oddities is the gathering place for those interested in expanding their skills of Illusion, Conjuring, and Enchanting.
#the-armory - The Armory is where the noble frogs interested in the magics of protection and offensive magic come to train and improve their skills in Abjuration and Evocation.
#the-crucible - Where all those interested in the fascinating science of Alchemy come to study and learn more of their craft.
#soothsayers-spire - The Soothsayer's Spire is the highest point of the cathedral that the Alchemist Syndicate inhabits. They say an oracle resides here…
#crypt-of-spirits - A location deep in the woods, rumored to be haunted by the dead...or mostly dead.
Locations brimming with magic and arcane activities in Frogland.
#lilypad-lounge-chat - Text channel for discussions during talks in the Lilypad Lounge.
#Lilypad-Lounge Voice Chat - Voice channel for general chats or with the Frog Team.
#Sapo-Studios Stage - Location of all Sapo Studio's Scratch Track Saturdays.
#Sapo-Studios-collabs - Channel available for live collaborations in the background of the live broadcast.
#FTV Stage - Location of Frog Tank and other community hosted shows or AMAs.
All of the stages and voice channels for audio events in the Frogland discord.
#spanish-announcements - Anuncios oficiales traducidos del Frog Team.
#spanish-frogs - El chat general para discusiones de Frogland en este idioma.
#french-announcements - Annonces officielles traduites de l'équipe Frog.
#french-frogs - Le chat général pour les discussions Frogland dans cette langue.
#japanese-announcements - カエルチームからの公式の翻訳された発表。
#japanese-frogs - この言語でのFroglandディスカッションの一般的なチャット。
#chinese-announcements - Frog Team 官方翻譯的公告。
#chinese-frogs - 用這種語言進行 Frogland 討論的一般聊天。
#german-announcements - Offiziell übersetzte Ankündigungen vom Frog Team.
#german-frogs - Der allgemeine Chat für Frogland-Diskussionen in dieser Sprache.
The announcements channels auto-populate with translated versions for each language from the main announcements channel. There is also a translator bot that lives in these and all channels for ease of international communications.
On the right hand sidebar of the discord, you can see Frog Team members (in pink) or members of the Mod Squad (in purple) who can help if you them!
#report-scams - A place to report current scams, scammers, or check safety information in the pinned messages.
#stolen-frogs - Frogs that have been confirmed stolen by the Frog Team.
#help-and-questions - Ask any questions you may have!
#unclaimed-names - Name suggestions are found in the pinned posts.
Help and answers for Frogland and NewPangea in the discord or out!
Last updated
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