Earn money doing random working activities in Frogland. Best utilized in the #Town-Square, #The-Gardens, #Stash-House, #Under-Construction
Commit crimes to earn money, but beware of hefty fines! Best utilized in the #Town-Square, #Stash-House, #Under-Construction
Sell your body for money, but fines are common! Best utilized in the #Town-Square, #Stash-House, #Under-Construction
Take your chances pickpocketing a community member, but beware fines! Best done under the cover of darkness or hidden in the up scroll of busy channels - but beware, some are under gang protection. Blood in, blood out.
Command Variations
$rob @[username] - the user being robbed will receive a ping and can locate both who did it and where it happened.
$rob [username] - the user being robbed will not receive a ping - stealth mode.
Example: $rob Lollihops
Pro tip: if you're broke with no cash OR banked money, you'll avoid fines as you get back on your feet with the various notorious deeds above!
Interested in a more notorious way to earn some money? Check out these pages!
More interested in spending your hard earned frog dollars, or seeing what items you have? Check out the $store!