🐔Chicken Fighting

The cock fighting in Frogland is the most esteemed illegal sport, with a graveyard dedicated to the legendary cocks, a plentiful supply of fresh chicken for Webbed Pete's Taco Truck, and more.


Purchase a chicken for the notorious cock fighting rings in Frogland.

Command Variations

  • $buy-chi - shorthand


As your cock wins matches, it increases in strength and win chance percentage, potentially getting to Legendary Cock status at 85% and then ready for a PPV style fight! Follow the command with the bet amount. Best done in #The-Gardens.

Command Variations

  • $cf - shorthand

⚠ī¸ Example: $cf 50000

PVP Chicken Fights

Organized by members of the Nazar Frogs and highly anticipated by audiences across the world, these cocks are far from ordinary. When rumors of a legendary cock with off the chart win percentages begins to churn through the gossip mill, members of the Nazar organize a venue complete with all the trappings of a big time showdown, with external betting and prizes to boot. Not to be missed!

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