Mid Game Leak to Daily Splat Reporter
Interaction sent to Froggy Fresh as The Daily Splat News Reporter in between FRPG sessions.
You are having a late lunch at the Murky Waters, contemplating your latest interactions and investigations into Jimmy’s murder after chatting with Busta Slimes earlier in the day. The door to the kitchen gently clatters shut behind the bartender, out for a smoke, leaving you alone in the bar. You are lost in the depths of your Hoptini, when your shoulder is shaken by an unfamiliar frog, not a face you recognize.
“You’re tha’ tabloid reporter, The Daily Splat? I got somethin’ you oughta know.”
You nod, bemusedly, and begin to reach for your pen and paper.
“No! No recordin’, no writing ‘bout me. Not ma name. I got enough dirt out there ‘bout me, I don’ need no trouble.”
“Okay,” you respond slowly. “What can I write about, if not about you?”
“Don’ need to be ‘bout me. Jus’ what I saw.”
“…and what did you see?”
“I seen The Knee. Jimmy…his dead body.”
You sit back, unimpressed. “That’s old news. He’s been dead for over a week now, haven’t you looked at a paper lately?”
The stranger leans forward intently, grabbing you by the wrist. “Nah ser, I seen him. I seen him jus’ last night, and he was dead…but not dead for days, not all bloated an’ smelly and goin’ rancid…Jimmy was still warm, ser.”
You rock back in your seat, shocked. Glance around, the bar is still empty, no one to hear what you’re hearing. You work to commit to memory what this frog is saying, straining to hear as he drops to a whisper.
“The Knee…still warm, blood all sticky-like, not even dry. Damn near tripped o’er him when I was out takin’ a piss. Lemme tell ya, I ain’t never gonna take a leak in the woods again that late at night. Didn’ know what t’do, so I gave a croak to th’ crime tip line, but ya never know…cops cover up most everythin’ these days. Figure I got one chance to tell the real story, an’ you’re it. Now I’m done, you go’n write that up in yer paper an’ leave me outta it.”
The stranger slides off the barstool, and is out the door before you have a chance to say anything else. The bartender appears, back from his smoke break, and freshens your drink that the stranger had somehow chugged. What a story this will make…
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