๐Ÿ๏ธBiomes of Frogland

Each of the seven biomes has it's own unique features, resources, dangers, and challenges.

Residential land is zoned according to different criteria, the most important of which are its ecological domain: the aggregate of its terrain, plant life, animal habitat, and any inorganic items available in that zone type. Each plot of land exists in an ecology that is important for the three pillars of the NewPangea experience: โ€˜Adventure in a Quirky Worldโ€™, โ€˜Community and Socially Drivenโ€™, and โ€˜Tokenomics and Tradingโ€™. Ensuring the balance of questing, resource acquisition, resource farming, and social interaction is cohesively and deeply interlinked is paramount for the success of the metaverse.

Each ecology has unique combinations of both organic and in-organic resources, like minerals. Each is statistically balanced alongside the others, such that the distinct advantages of each Ecological Zone or biome will impact and will be impacted by the surrounding zones. Further, the ecological and economic dynamics inherent in the zones are designed specifically to amplify the economic, social, and adventure design that encourages and gamifies the participation by those in Frogland, or in any district of NewPangea. The primary ecological zones are comprised of the following:

The Wetlands are the natural habitat for Notorious Frogs, consisting of a murky yet teeming underbelly of unique life not found anywhere else.

The Desert zones are dry and barren but with plenty of treasures to discover for those willing to brave dry harsh climates to uncover their secrets.

The Forest zones are full of magic and mystery โ€” and maybe even a little bit of danger. And mushrooms. Lots of mushrooms.

The Coastal zones are defined by proximity to the ocean and include diverse ecosystems such as mangroves, tidal flats, coral reefs, and other aquatic oddities.

The Mountains are home to multitudes of magnificent minerals to discover.

The Tropical grasslands sport sprawling meadows as far as the eye can see. Who knows where predators may lurkโ€ฆ

The Urban concrete jungle appears devoid of a natural ecosystem at first, but if you look closely there are unique opportunities for enterprising creatures, no matter how many legs or eyes they may have.

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